Friday, May 9, 2008

I'll try this instead of intentionally vomiting

As I consider myself a scientist at heart, I've decided to do a little experiment on the effectiveness of this little guy:

This site seems fairly optimistic. I will be, too. I think I'll make L try it with me, and as a hangover inducer - none other than our friend Steel Reserve. Since the chosen beverage of the evening will be 40 oz bottles, I shall have no choice but to unleash the worst invention of all time:
Pretty excited to mention my photo shows up on the first page of google images when you search for "Steel Reserve". All that hard work, finally pays off. Keep clicking so it stays there. It's all I've got. That and this delicious beverage.

I'll keep you posted for the review.

1 comment:

T-Money said...

I would have thought that the follow up would have been the next day... but maybe the product didn't work as well after all!??! Hope you guys are still alive!

PS- A little hurt I didn't get a drunk dial on this one :)